This software provides production companies with a complete support for all their needs and offers a variety of management techniques and tools.

Information system for the custom-made production planning and management

Uncover the hidden potential of your company with our modern information system which helps you get to know more about your production in order to improve your job order planning and management. SOFTIP PRODUCTION covers the whole production process from the first contact with the customer to the final billing. By improving the quality of the production technical preparation, you will be able to manage your new job orders effectively, check material availability, machine and personnel capacities. The software will check your deadlines and costs, either calculated or unexpected. The company’s profit can start to increase.

Cost reduction

Bringing the information on your fundamental and economic processes, the system allows your managers to make effective decisions.

Error rate reduction

The unequivocal identification of critical points in your production process helps you improve and simplify the optimization of nonconformities.

Real time information

Get your company overview, financial results and information on production processes in real time.


We put our customers first. Your delivery is processed within the required time frame and quality.


Do the following scenarios sound familiar to you? You have just won a new job order with a horrific deadline that the customer will probably change several times; or the customer will order a few more pieces, changing also the delivery date or package. An increasing pressure on suppliers to shorten the deadlines, improve their flexibility, individualize their deliveries and prices makes even highly profitable companies invest into the improvement of processes and search for resources. Not only in terms of the production process and its planning but also in terms of the warehouse management, goods distribution and error rate reduction.

Our software brings a complex support for your company

SOFTIP PRODUCTION is a complex solution to cover all logical steps related to your production processes, from the first contact with the customer to the final billing.

Technical preparation of production (TPP)
Production preparation and management
Production plan
Capacity planning
Production quality and cost management

Our system covers planning, management and optimization

Concerning production companies, almost 80% of total costs are usually costs of production. SOFTIP PRODUCTION covers planning, management and optimization of the costs, bringing many benefits to its users.

IT savings
Flexible production
Time savings
Production resource management
Error reduction
Full compatibility
Smooth communication
Experienced supplier
Wide choice of services

"Savings, reduction of surplus stock and immediate employee involvement.“

Ján Valkovič

CEO, ENPAY Transformer Components

System support

I can help you find the answers to the most important questions and learn how to use the SOFTIP PRODUCTION in details

Ján Kapoun

Product Manager


21.11.2016 - Zdvojnásobenie výrobných kapacít, vytvorenie 22 nových pracovných miest a rast produktivity práce a efektivity všetkých procesov. Jedným z dôležitých faktorov, ktorý to spoločnosti DREVONA v Malužinej umožnil, bolo nasadenie nového informačného systému SOFTIP VÝROBA.

29.09.2015 - V každom segmente trhu sa stretávame s tvrdou konkurenciou. Zákazník preorientoval svoju pozornosť na kvalitu, na spoľahlivosť a na životnosť výrobkov. Všetky tieto aspekty generujú zvýšené nároky na výrobcov vo všetkých oblastiach. Zasahujú od inovačnej a technickej prípravy výroby, cez samotný výrobný proces až do servisných služieb.

14.04.2014 - Neustále stúpajúci počet používateľov riešenia SOFTIP VÝROBA sa rozrástol o nadnárodnú spoločnosť ENPAY TRANSFORMER COMPONENTS. Tá rovnako ako ďalší zákazníci oceňujú jeho schopnosť ponúkať dokonalý prehľad o celom výrobnom procese od technickej prípravy cez plánovanie, prípravu a operatívne riadenie výroby. Poskytuje aj nevyhnutné kalkulácie, časové analýzy a kapacitné prepočty, ako aj výrobné mzdy a štatistické prehľady.

A few system´s screenshots

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In accordance with the application of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation - GDPR), we hereby provide you with information on the processing of your data. Personal data: Full text of the information...

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